Without hyperbole, “Untitled”, the collaborative installation architecturally designed by emerging outfit, Undisclosable, was the installation of the Festival. It was immersive and transported you; a product of intelligent conceptualization that was coupled with rigorous execution. An impressive level of layering and symbolism existed throughout the experiential walk-through.
Simply stated, it was an intricately layered container and placeholder for people watching. Half the fun was watching inhabitants have their mini-epiphanies along the way. Watching them bathe in pillars of clean, immaculately cut light as they were ushered through by an orchestrated field of what I deemed, “sonic pixels”. These pixels were isolated and deconstructed layers of the lullaby-like track, Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space by UK Band, Spiritualized. The top notch sound design left you hypnotic, dare I say, spiritual.
Huffington Post commented as the installation was unleashed:
…Almost eclipsing the anticipation of the new stage is the buzz surrounding the cathedral-like installation designed by Undisclosable architects called “Untitled” where director Jonathan Glazer and UK band Spiritualized partnered up to create a physical manifestation of their song “Ladies and Gentlemen, We Are Floating in Space.”
Stay tuned, for a future follow-up and exclusive interview with the principals of Los Angeles’ Undisclosable, Alejandera Lillo and Bryan Flaig.

The “backside” reveal of the light wells under the translucent tertiary skin; Aluminet Shade Cloth. It was gorgeous in person. In the evening, it took on a futurist-deco sheen.

A series of five light columns emanating from tapered wells.

Users bathe in the warm light.