If you haven’t heard, Earl Sweatshirt, core member of the Odd Future crew has returned to his home of Los Angeles from his stay at a Samoa outreach school for boys. At around 2pm this afternoon, the celebrated member of OFWGKTA simply tweeted, “home.”
Three hours later, it was followed with a tweet stating if he received 50,000 followers, he would release a new track. A YouTube link to a teaser video (above) immediately followed. Not surprisingly, Thebe/Earl received 50,000 within six hours and he kept his promise by releasing a 1:48 track (below) on terttlefer.com.
The Intertubes are on fire right now, “Earl Sweatshirt” is trending on Twitter. Odd Future fanboys are beside themselves; you can cut the hype with a knife. The hip hop hipsteratti have been anticipating this event for more than a year-and-a-half. Download the untitled track below.
Self-loathing narcissist,
Spittin’ crowbars at the back window of cars and shit…