If you didn’t catch the full-length official trailer for The Dark Knight Rises then you’ve been living under a rock…in another galaxy. Here it is again, above, to refresh your memory. A viral campaign led up to the unveiling of the exciting trailer as Batman geeks were sent on a scavenger hunt all over the country to help unveil the trailer frame by frame. Below are some teaser images from the viral site:

Last week, like true fanboys, we caught the midnight premiere of the indie film The Avengers. Relentless and fun stuff. It was by no means perfect like some have said but it was fairly damn wicked. Two weeks later and a billion dollars in the bank, it is the most successful movie ever made. Pro tip 1: see it in 2D, 3D is exhausting for the two acts of pure action. Pro tip 2: stay for the very ending of the credits. Shawarma.
This GQ piece about Joss Whedon‘s arduous path to mainstream recognition and pay dirt, The Geek Shall Inherit the Earth, is a must-read. As influential as he was with die-hards and his rabid cult following, he finally has the proper cachet to, not only greenlight high profile projects, but to also have these projects get a fair shake with the general public – and this talent carries an acumen, approach and attitude that richly deserves it. As they say, he’s a geek and fanboy at heart; he has that street cred’. Joss Whedon is my master now. The pop culture auteur penned an amusing and touching thank you letter to his longtime fans and supporters at Whedonesque, this is also a must-read.

One of my favorite and premiere poster print artists Tyler Stout released these posters of the gargantuan hit via Mondo. As per usual, the limited edition prints sold out within minutes. Grrr. Hulk not happy he not get swollen green paws on Tyler Stout limited prints.
With the passing of Maurice Sendak and The Avengers on everybody’s mind, Hannah Friederichs illustrated this brilliant and beautiful mashup.

The SoundWorks Collection talks with Supervising Sound Editor and Sound Designer Christopher Boyes about the his work on The Avengers.
They showed the Prometheus trailer in 3D before The Avengers. How do I put this? It was fucking amazing. I mean, we’ve been looking forward to it and hyping it up for a year but seeing it in 3D, at that scale, was unreal. It was dazzling.
Extended Prometheus Featurette:
Prometheus International Launch Trailer:
Prometheus TV Spot:
- Check out this chilling audio from the film.
- Weyland Industries explains the industry of terraforming.
- Total Film outlines the 15 Questions Raised By The Prometheus Viral Campaign.
- Damon Lindelof on whether ‘Prometheus’ is an ‘Alien’ prequel.
- Designer signalstarr posted this beautiful retro movie poster for Prometheus.
Some teaser images from the Facebook fanpage and Entertainment Weekly.

You know it’s going to be a huge blockbuster summer when The Amazing Spider-Man is treated as if it were the redheaded stepchild.
The Amazing Spider-Man Full Trailer:
The Amazing Spider-Man TV Spot:

Some teaser images from G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation:

Argo, As the Iranian revolution reaches a boiling point, a CIA ‘exfiltration’ specialist concocts a risky plan to free six Americans who have found shelter at the home of the Canadian ambassador:
Beasts of the Southern Wild Trailer:
The Campaign, Will Ferrell, Zach Galifianakis:’
The Campaign Political Ads:
The Dictator Official Opening Scene:
The Dictator Official Restricted Trailer:
The Expendables 2 Trailer:
Gangster Squad Trailer:
Moonrise Kingdom Making Of Featurette: